Ban The Leaf Blowers in Las Vegas, Green Valley & Summerlin
Blake Moore 0

Ban The Leaf Blowers in Las Vegas, Green Valley & Summerlin

400 signers. Add your name now!
Blake Moore 0 Comments
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Whereas: * leaf blowers generate a sound that is 100 times the human tolerance level in the open and 200 times the human tolerance level when amplified by brick apartment buildings, and studies have shown that exposure to such torturous sounds causes hearing loss, deafness, heart palpitations, strokes and serious disturbance of brain functions ; * leaf blowers fill the air with a toxic brew of exhaust from a 2-stroke engine, which burns both gasoline and oil, mixed with pollutants such as gaseous carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, as well as dust and particulate matter containing pollen, mold spores, bacteria, fungus, pet waste, bird droppings, lead and other poisons for both the user and bystanders to breathe. This is a major cause of respiratory infections and triggers asthmatic conditions. (According to the Lung Association, a leaf blower causes as much smog as 17 cars) ; * the instructions that accompany the majority of leaf blowers currently on the market state that the user and anyone within 50 feet of the devise must wear not only ear protection but eye and breathing protection as well; innocent bystanders don't have this choice; * leaf blowers are used for 20 – 30 minutes at a time in residential areas putting local residents under serious assault in their living spaces. Those of us who are home workers, day sleepers (more and more these days) or ill, can't work, sleep or convalesce -- thus use of the blower not only assaults our health, it hinders our ability to earn a living; * the sounds generated by a leaf blower cause severe suffering to domestic pets whose hearing is so much more sensitive than a humans; * leaf blowers are used to blow grass cuttings and other debris on to public streets and sidewalks and particularly on to drain grates causing water back-up during storms and requiring city crews to collect the debris; * leaf blowers are no more efficient than leaf sweepers (see image) or mulch mowers (bag attached) and much less environmentally friendly; * Many residents are also troubled by the attitude of many leaf blower operators. There is a disregard for the use of these leaf blowers near personal property. The operators take dust that is on the ground and put it all over home owner's cars and houses. Many who have their car detailed in the morning return to their car after getting ready for work to find their car covered in dirt and debris with fine scratches. The attitude of many operators when approached is one of non-concern and dismissal. * leaf blowers (in particular gas-powered blowers) have been banned by a multitude of cities and states in Canada and the U.S. * the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995, in an all encompassing study on the costs and harmful effects of noise on health and society made a single, simple ruling on leaf blowers – it stated "they should not be used!" We, the undersigned petition the governing councils of all Cities of Clark County NV, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency to immediately ban the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in all areas of their jurisdictions, and to declare a moratorium on the use of all leaf blowers in residentially zoned areas. We also implore them to launch an information blitz in the form of TV and newspaper ads as well as brochures to be distributed to all registered lawn care and landscaping businesses, eco-centres to inform the public of the health hazards resulting from the use of leaf blowers.


Citizen of Clark County, NEVADA


leaf blower facts: noise reduction info: leaf sweeper:
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