To All Concerned Zybez Users, As an Zybez User myself, I urge you to stand up for your rights. Our right to a moron-free Zybez Community is being infringed upon by GLADIATORS. His website, , is a THREAT to the established Community we all know and love. He cannot be permitted to continue in his rebellious state. A citizen ban must take place for his offences. Offences. 1. Name in all capital letters. This is annoying and childish. 2. Blatent disregard for constructive critisicm. GLADIATORS, we tried to help. You ignored us. So, it came to this. 3. Brown-nosing. Seriously, W13 doesn't want you to be his twin. 4. Horrible website background. Flames Seriously, FLAMES 5. Using a free host. If you want to be taken seriously, steal your mom's credit card and get a paid host and a domain name. Otherwise, you look retarded. 6. Unclear concept of HTML. You didn't downgrade from a web site builder to HTML. You downgraded from generic-template coded in HTML to self-coded fugliness in HTML. 7. Attempt to sell an ugly design. 8. Attempt to sell ugly signatures, while being overbearing on your rules. GLADIATORS must be stopped, at all costs, Sincerely, The Undersigned.