Stop I-40 Crossover Accidents in Wake County

Help stop crossover wrecks on I-40 in Wake County (Raleigh/Cary)! One of my friends and colleagues, George Smith was killed on June 4 when a driver crossed over the grassy, unprotected median of I-40 near exit 289. Less than a month later, a repeat accident occurred on I-40 near exit 295. Thankfully (this time) there were no fatalities. The NCDOT now agrees (following a study after the June 4 wreck) that a barrier should be installed in the median of I-40 between exits 289 and 297. The problem While NCDOT agrees the barrier is necessary, it has not allocated funding for this project. Instead, it *hopes* it can find the funding and is *thinking about* adding this project to the future Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). As many Triangle residents know, the DOT is strapped for cash and many projects (including the widening of I-40 along an overlapping segment from exits 289 to 293) have been put on hold indefinitely. While I truly think this segment of road needs to be widened and improved due to the volume of traffic it handles daily, installing a barrier *now* is certainly better than the status quo. Please encourage the DOT to act - sooner rather than later. How many more must lose their lives before the DOT takes action *** This petition will be sent to Lyndo Tippett, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. ***