Stop military action in Libya!
Carolyn Loomes 0

Stop military action in Libya!

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Carolyn Loomes 0 Comments
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Petition to the UK Government


We call for the immediate cessation of all military involvement in Libya by UK forces. We also call for the lifting of the no fly zones, the unfreezing of Libyan assets abroad, and cooperation with peace initiatives led by the African Union, Russia and others.


Far from saving civilian lives, NATO has been responsible for 6121 civilians killed or injured between 19th March and 1st July. This includes 141 children killed and 641 injured*. The numbers will now be greater. We do not believe that private apartments and homes, schools, shops, factories, crops, food warehouses , vital water systems or communication systems can ever be legitimate military targets. We are concerned that the use of uranium weapons will have a dire impact on the health of Libyan children and the health of those as yet unborn. NATO bombing is causing psychological and physical harm to the Libyan people, and to the children of Libya in particular.


We are appalled that the British Government has recognised the National Transitional Council as the true government of Libya without the democratic consent of the Libyan people, and that British tax payers’ money is being used for both violent and illegal purposes.


*MoH and Libyan Red Crescent



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