Stop the council taking ornaments,fences & pots off Graves

The council are leaving notices on all graves saying we have to take all fences, pots, ornaments and personal things of graves personally i think this is very unfair and am very angry & upset as my little boys resting place is very important to us why cant they have a heart and let them rest in peace !!! .We have had this fight before i have posted a link of the Video and the newspaper we were in if you would like to watch it X i also want to point out we visit our sons resting place twice a day and the last time we had this fight we Offered to sign a contract to say if we ever fail to keep up with the cutting of the grass that they have the right to remove it if they can prove we are neglecting it in any way As you can see by the photos of the grave there is a lot more things at Xmas 'birthdays .Easter .anniversaries ,and other special days we have more flowers as you can imagine them days are hard enough for us we shouldn’t be giving flowers he should be here with us On other days his resting place is not overcrowded .or looks untidy xXx