Illegal buildings against the biggest protected area in Bulgaria - Take action now! Yes, it is true! The new attempt to destroy the Bulgarian nature, the new attempt to rob our national wealth. The Mayor of Tzarevo Municipality Petko Arnaudov together with the investor of the illegal buildings \"The Golden pearl\" in vicinity of Varvara village appealed against the Order of the establishment of the Strandja Nature Park from 1995. Currently, only the statute of a Nature Park is the barrier for the uncontrolled buildings at the South Black Sea coast. The biggest protected area in Bulgaria, the Strandja Nature Park will be destroyed because of the illegal vacation village. The potential legalisation of the holiday village near Varvara will open \"Pandora\'s box\" for transforming the southern part of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast into a concrete desert. According to the Mayor of Tzarevo the coast line of the Strandja Nature Park should be developed as modern yacht ports, enormous golf playgrounds, super luxury holiday villages on the beach, private beaches with mini-hotels, expensive restaurants, bars and basins...; Are we really ready to allow this to happen Nature Park Strandja was established in 1995 for the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, as well for preservation of the unique Strandja\'s folklore, culture and historical heritage. With its 1 116 km2 the park represents 1 % of the country area. Here is the place when the first reserve in Bulgaria was established in distant 1933 - Silkosia. Strandja NP is the only Bulgarian area included in the list of fifth prior for the conservation areas in Central and Eastern Europe. The Park is of great European importance regarding vascular plants, breeding birds and diversity of reptiles. It has global significance for the mammals, invertebrates and forest with tertiary vegetation. The European migratory way - Via Pontica goes over Strandja. The total number of the habitats in the park is 121 and according this index Strandja is in a top position among the protected areas in Europe. We insist on: Not allowing a Court decision announcing the Order for Strandja\'s Park as insignificant. Such decision will damage the national and European interests and will demolish the biggest protected area from the map of Bulgaria. Removing all illegal buildings within the area of the Strandja Nature Park; The Ministry of Environment and Water to accept the Management plan of the Strandja NP and to guarantee the implementation of the Bulgarian law and wild nature conservation, in a harmony with the local people. EVERY SIGN IS A VOICE FOR STRANDJA, FOR NATURE, FOR OUR FUTURE! P.S. Advertisement appearing on the site of the free on-line petitions is not connected with the petition! The authors of the petition for saving Strandja Nature Park are working on their removal because some of them advertise properties in areas within National Parks (e.g. Bansko region) where building is taking place in infrigement of the laws!