Resurface Valley Village Neighborhood Streets
We, as residents of Valley Village, California, City of Los Angeles (Laurel Canyon to Whitsett and Riverside to Magnolia), call your attention to a matter that needs to be corrected forthwith. Within the last few years, our neighborhood streets have fallen into terrible disrepair. We have no curbs and sidewalks here, and are forced to walk in these streets with potholes, cracks and crumbling asphalt. We have to use these streets at night with very few street lights, while we walk, ride our bikes and push our children in strollers and elderly in wheel chairs. We also do this with traffic speeding down the streets, unchecked by the City of Los Angeles. It is a very dangerous scenario. Fortunately and gratefully, the majority of these streets have now been re-surfaced. There are still two, however, in the midst of these streets that for some odd reason, remain unfixed. The first one is Bellingham from Addison to Magnolia and the second is Addison from Laurel Canyon to Laurelgrove. Two short sections of street amidst a very large neighborhood of streets, that now remain in disrepair while the others have been repaired. A letter from William A. Robertson, head of the Bureau of Street Services dated May 12, 2009, states that while these streets are scheduled to be re-surfaced, they are not on the schedule to be done at this time. There is no mention as to why they weren't done when all the city equipment, man power and materials were here re-surfacing the other streets. As residents of this neighborhood, we respectfully demand that these streets be re-surfaced at the earliest possible date, within the year 2009, without any further excuses. Sincerely, The Undersigned