Supercars board transparency/parity
After only a hand full of races,parity test on the centre of gravity of the Mustang have been called for.Last year the ZB dominated for so long,winning with the same formula before anyone listened to the other teams..Craig Lowndes stated recently that the zb was designed around the twin spring..add that factor along with composite panels and aero which accompanies being a hatch the ZB advantage was clear...yet there was no call at all for a COG or Aero fact the ZB was not asked to change what so ever..a token effort allowing Nissan and Falcon a few composite panels was given but did nothing to end the ZB' clear advantage...which brings us to SuperCars action, intense and very quick action this year...with unfair in season Mustang changes to slow a car down which was all signed of on..why?
1 why has this happened so quickly this year and was not done at all last year..
2 who instigated this test..
3 make public all in house meetings and doings from Supercars parity meetings and complaints from 2018 to 2019 so we can see what is what
4 make public all of relevant parity information on the cars so we the supporters can see for ourselves the rules/parity/build specs on the brand's we love...
5 all future parity issues to be publicly shown and discussed,from who's instigating them,why and outcomes...
6 a Parity rules must not be implemented during a teams season..any team..unless of course they have broken the rules..
7 how do you scientifically justify wing and undercarriage changes without setting the standards through actually physically testing the cars...who's to say what you've just done won't make the car slower and less competitive than the others...