Gale Seaton 0

Support Denying Stacey's Murderer Family Leave

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In 2005, McDonald Abraham III paid $400 in cash, and $200 in Marijuana, to a young substance addicted man, to have our daughter, Stacey Lynne, who was two months pregnant, murdered. According to Abraham's own testimony, in 2012, the young homeless, and jobless man, tried to back out, and Abraham forced him to follow through. Since that time, our journey through the "Justice" system has been challenging, at best. We were unaware that the 15-50 year sentence we agreed to, in exchange for Abraham's testimony, really meant 7 1/2 years served, before he was eligible for parole - after factoring in state mandated diminutions credits and 50 percent of time served. Luckily, Abraham, who still denies responsibility, claiming that "he only paid for her death", and he would never kill, was denied parole in 2017. We were unaware at that time, that Solicitation for Murder was a Misdemeanor in Maryland, which is why Abraham denies responsibility. He was never charged with the Solicitation as the statute of limitations had expired by the time he was arrested.

Scheduled for early release this November, he is additionally requesting "family leave." If granted, his "family leave", a 48-hour weekend with his family, will likely occur in late September. While we don't believe he deserves this additional "reward", we have significant concerns, not only for our safety, but for the safety of witnesses. While Solicitation for Murder was just changed to a Felony (Stacey's Law), it will be a Misdemeanor until October 1st. While we've had no choice but to accept Abraham will be paroled this November, please don't give Abraham any more rewards, as his family leave will give both us and witnesses significant concerns for our safety. Remember, in his mind, if he pays for murder again, he's still not responsible. Please sign our petition, to deny Abraham "family leave." We will deliver it to the DOC Commissioner. Thank you.

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