Support Groveport Madison Schools, Students and the Community with a Levy in May 2014

As Cruisers, we must not let defeat define us.
In May, 2013 the Groveport Madison School District suffered a heart-breaking loss at the polls after state funding cuts and decreased property tax collections depleted our schools’ operating funds by MILLIONS of dollars.
The board needs to know the community is in favor of a levy on the ballot in May 2014. As we move forward, you will have an opportunity to share your opinions regarding the specifics of services and funding. By signing below, we show our support for a levy to be placed on the ballot in May, 2014 to continually move towards more offerings and better services for our students.
This petition is organized by the Committee for Better Schools and the plan is to present 1,000 signatures with at least 200 volunteers identified at the December 11, 2013 board meeting.