Hawaii Supports Trump's Immigration Moratorium

Hawaii is not a sanctuary state. Contrary to Senator Hirono's statements, entry into this country is a privilege, not a right. And our AG is shamefully suing the President over the moratorium. I'm sure many of Hawaii's politicians are siding with the left on this, so we the people need to voice OUR position on this very important issue.
THIS IS NOT A MUSLIM BAN. It is a moratorium on immigration
from countries where terrorism is a problem and vetting is
problematic. The list of countries affected was established by
the Obama administration in 2015 and is now probably out of date
and in need of additional countries since the problem continues
to metastasize.
The fact that they are all Muslim majority countries should not be a reason to rename it a Muslim ban. It should be a wake-up call to those who can't say the words "radical Islamic terrorism". THAT's what is being targeted. It's real and is an actual clear and present danger. ISIS has said they intend to infiltrate the refugee stream.
This action is within the President's purview. Section 212(f)
of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 says, “Whenever the
president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into
the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United
States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he
shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of
aliens as immigrants or non-immigrant’s or impose on the entry of aliens
any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
Sign this petition to voice your support for the moratorium.