Support Me To Build Cat Park

Support Me To Build Cat Park

Greetings all.
My Name is Jamil Bin Ismail or many people call me Jamilkucing ( Jamil Is May Name Kucing id the cat ) . Here is my story….
Many ways and many efforts have been carried out and all this was done just to get sincere donations, support and help to build a cat shelter for abandoned cats and becoming a cat park complete with a resort or hostel for visitors and tourists. So, more people will be able to reach out to the cats and give them a bit of love as well as being one of the tourist attractions. However, I felt very frustrated because none of them were very sincere to help.
So with this I have determined to build this place on my own. I myself have a piece of land with the size of a football field in the state of Perak. I plan to build a cat park where it’s going to be a very beautiful place for cats and visitors. It is located near to a river. The atmosphere in the village is also nice to make that area as a tourist attraction. I will work Hard to get help and support from people who really love animals and cats.
I have heard and followed all the advices and suggestions from several people in the society, including establishing an association but the results have been disappointing. It has become tangled and muddled. So, he felt that it is better for Me to do it alone than doing it with too many people. However, if there is anyone out there who really want to help me to set up a place like this, I hope you are willing to contribute some donation through my bank account. The number of the bank account is as stated below. I also would like to invite any sincere and honest volunteer to be the account monitor or the guardian/watchdog. At this moment, I can’t afford to give out any salary for all this since this is done voluntarily. I hope you may understand that.
In order for me to start building the park for the cats, I estimated it is going to cost me around RM 300,000. YES, some people might laugh. That's fine. I have decided that to builds this place going to need RM 300,000 after I has think about everything from A to Z. I do not want to get caught in the middle of the road because whatever I want to do is totally serious about building this place. Those who have contributed should inform me through SMS, FB private message, or email (Jamilismail@yahoo.co.uk ) about the amount of donation or the contribution that they have made so that their names can be recorded. Support me if you are truly sincere in helping stray animals. I really hope that this cat park can be build starting from mid of 2013.
ACCOUNT NO: 12-122-01-000920-2
Please help me to build this place
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamilkucing/<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jbcz8Q60vvA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EGy1hH4qkfI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4RNLieFVD6s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>