Support reasonable treatment of New Mexico Oil & Gas producers. They fund our Schools, Teachers, Public Safety and more.

A Petition of: New Mexico Business Coalition with and for the people of New Mexico
Attn: Mr. James C. Kenney, Cabinet Secretary, New Mexico Environmental Dept. & Ms. Sarah Cottrell Propst, Cabinet Secretary, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Dept.
In reference to the rules development for methane reduction measures in New Mexico, we respectfully request your consideration of the following:
Oil and gas industry has been a critical partner to the state of New Mexico. Specifically:
Oil and gas companies operating here are good community partners and stewards of our environment. This industry has taken a proactive approach to reduce methane emissions while enhancing safe and reliable production of oil and gas. Recent data from the Environmental Protection Agency determined that while oil and gas production has increased by 125% since 2011, methane emissions declined 57% over that same period. In 2017 alone, the industry reduced CO2 emissions by almost 728,000 metric tons in the San Juan Basin and by 100,000 metric tons in the Permian Basin.
It is important to remember that oil and gas operators will never unnecessarily flare or knowingly allow leakage because it can harm the environment and cost the company money.
The oil and gas industry contributes more than any other industry in New Mexico to our schools, infrastructure, healthcare, and public safety. In fact, revenue attributable to this industry provided $2.2 billion in FY 2018 or 32.3 percent of the total state General Fund recurring revenue. That is an all-time high and an increase of $465 million from FY 2017. Production has continued to increase which led to over a billion dollar surplus for FY 2019. Individuals and families benefit with over 100,000 New Mexicans employed as a result of oil and natural gas production. And tribal allottees benefit from production on their lands from royalties which contribute to their families financial security and quality of life.
It is important to every New Mexican that reasonableness and respect be maintained throughout the process of this rulemaking. That means focusing the process on the facts and not the emotional pleas of anti-industry activists who want to shut down this industry.
For the good of New Mexico, common sense must prevail in this process to assure a sound economic base for our state’s economy as well as continued development of high paying jobs.