Allan Saenz 0

Support SALA's LEDA Application for Community Revitalization

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To: Los Alamos County Council, Los Alamos County Manager, and Los Alamos Economic Development Division

We, the undersigned members of the community, urge Los Alamos County to support SALA's LEDA (Local Economic Development Act) Application for a $450,000 grant to enhance our community further.

What is LEDA and Why is it Important?

LEDA is a crucial tool that enables state and local governments to partner with businesses and organizations for economic development projects. SALA's application aligns with Los Alamos County's strategic goals and plans, addressing community concerns and priorities.

Why Support SALA's Initiative?

SALA's project perfectly aligns with our County's goals. In a recent survey, 73% of residents prioritized "enhancing support and opportunities for the local business environment." By supporting SALA's LEDA Application, we can actively work towards this goal.

Tell Los Alamos County Government and Decision-Makers to Give Every Positive Consideration!

We urge Los Alamos County to give every positive consideration to SALA's LEDA application. Learn more about Phase 2 and show your support here: Learn More

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