There's No Life To Live Without Christina
Dear Brian Frons, We are writing because we are outraged about the news of ABC letting Christina Chambers go. We don\'t think you have given her the opportunity to shine in the role of Marty Saybrooke. For almost a year she has been doing an amazing job as Marty even under a less than perfect writing team. Now just when we hear news of new writers we also hear that we will be losing our favorite character and one amazing actress! We are pleading with you to rethink this HUGE mistake! There is so much more coming up for Marty and Christina. She has taken a role that was cemented by another actress and made it her own. She has won the hearts of thousands of fans who have just fallen in love with not only the character but also the new romance between Marty and John. We have gathered together and hope you will listen to the thousands of voices who will do anything and everything to support Christina Chambers! For those of you taking the time to sign, I know you guys probably have a lot to say, but if not and you don\'t want to keep the comment box empty please just type \"I Support Christina! Change This Decision! Christina = Marty!!!!\" Let\'s support Christina!