Support the Trails at Santiago Creek Project

There is a proposal to remove the Sand and Gravel yard on Santiago Canyon Road formerly known as Sully-Miller. We are seeking your community support for the Trails at Santiago Creek project.
The Trails at Santiago Creek project in East Orange proposes to add 68.5 acres of open space connecting to Santiago Oaks Regional Park and 40.2 acres of of low density residential with a max of 128 homes.
Top features for this project include:
1. Adding 120-Acres of Publicly Accessible Greenway, Open Space and Parks, including the 50 acre Ridgeline property.
2. $4.1 Million Funding for Santiago Creek Greenway Improvements Including Revegetation, Trails and Additional Amenities
3. $1 Million for Local Trail Improvements
4. $1 Million Funding for Traffic Flow Improvements Including Adding One Westbound Lane on Santiago Canyon Rd and Adding One Northbound Lane on Cannon Street
5. Dedication of the Ridgeline Property for Permanent Open Space and Recreational Use
6. Permanent Closure of the Sand & Gravel Operation
7. No Housing North of Santiago Creek and Adjacent to Mabury Ranch
8. $2 Million in Funding for Off-Site Equestrian and Recreational Uses in East Orange
Please sign this petition in support of moving forward with this project and all its benefits to our community.