Support Reparations: Restore, Renew & Reconcile the Black Community & strengthen Illinois
On February 19th, we moved one step closer to realizing Reparations for the State of Illinois when Dr. Willie Wilson traveled to Springfield, IL and accompanied State Representative Will Davis into the house chambers to introduce Reparations Bill HB5024 & HB5025. The bill is now poised to go through the passing process to become law. Dr. Wilson originated and sponsored this historic bill. Visit to view the historic video.
Over 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for reparations. Today, Dr. Wilson is battling to finish the fight for African Americans and has pushed the envelope one step closer. This is today’s movement. Let’s show them what a movement can do!
STAND UP for this bill. CONTACT your alderman, state legislators and your local and state representatives. Tell them to do their jobs. Represent your interests and support HB 5024/HB 5025. We can't do this without the grassroots support of people like you. It’s left up to us.
Reparations is a debt owed and promised to African enslaved survivors and their descendants.
Many know reparations as receiving “40 acres and a mule”, which is America’s promise to the trafficked, enslaved African people and their descendants. This is payment for the 400 years of slavery, free labor and barbaric conditions that African people endured. It is an opportunity for America to demonstrate its remorse and pay its debt for this ugly sin. As of today, these reparations have never been paid.
Indians, Japanese, Jewish, Israelis and other ethnic groups have all received trillions of dollars in reparations for crimes against their humanity that has served as a bedrock to reset or start a better life for their people. African enslaved people were emancipated with nothing to begin a life. This trickled down to their descendants and has negatively impacted African American generation after generation. The enslaved African people and their descendants are the ONLY group of people that have yet to receive restitution for the criminal injustices perpetrated against them. NO sin was bigger or lasted longer.
There is a reparations movement happening today to right these wrongs. This petition is one of those tools.
Reparations, today, for descendants of African enslaved people looks much different than "40 acres and a mule". The needs of the community are different and have seemingly been forever ignored and neglected. It is an opportunity to repair damages the descendants of African enslaved people have suffered and continue to suffer from. Old injustices don't simply disappear with time. Left unaddressed, these brutalities continue wrecking psychological havoc and emotional destruction in the African American community in a most catastrophic way.
The new Reparations Bill presents the infrastructure that will help ‘level the playing field’ so that the African American community can experience the same opportunity (as has all other ethnics groups) to live a prosperous life.
Over 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for reparations. Today, Dr. Wilson is battling to finish the fight for African Americans and has pushed the envelope one step closer. This is today’s movement. Let’s show them what a movement can do!
STAND UP for this bill. CONTACT your alderman, state legislators and your local and state representatives. Click here for aldermen. Click here for state representatives. Tell them to do their jobs. Represent your interests and support HB 5024/HB 5025. We can't do this without the grassroots support of people like you. It’s left up to us.
PLEDGE: Today, I stand with DR. WILLIE WILSON and the countless others in supporting this Reparations effort. We refuse to let this empty promise go on any longer. I am asking you to do your job, represent my interests and support Reparations Bill HB 5024/HB 5025 for the generations before us, for the generations of today and for the generations to come. Reparations is a duty of moral and material restitution. It is not a paycheck but restoration, renewal and reconciliation. The stakes have never been higher. Click here to read the full Reparations Bill.