Support the Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme!
Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme (SCRS) A Humane Solution To: Mr. Mah Bow Tan (Minister of National Development), Mr. Lee Hsien Loong (Prime Minister of Singapre) and Mr. Ngiam Tong Tau (CEO of AVA) ---------------------------------------------------- This petition is in support of reinstating the Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme that was terminated abruptly in 2003. Stray cats are often unjustly portrayed as disease-ridden nuisances and are, consequently, removed from their communities and/or needlessly destroyed. The SCRS (Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme) or TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) method, is a comprehensive management plan in which entire stray population are humanely trapped, evaluated, vaccinated and neutered. As a result, the populations are gradually reduced, inconveniences of caterwauling and spraying are eliminated, and the threat of disease and malnutrition is virtually removed. This method of compassionate cat control has proven more effective and cost-efficient than euthanasia in communities all over the world. We urge the Singapore Ministry of National Development to review the benefits of cat colony management and adopt a humane resolution by reinstating the Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme. Therefore, please consider supporting the efforts of the Animal Welfare Section at the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and animal welfare organizations who are working to protect these misunderstood cats from tragedy and unnecessary culling. Thank you.