Suspend Dr Conrad Murray’s Medical License in Nevada

Dear Honorable Nevada State Medical Board Members,
Murray's California medical license was suspended as a condition of bail in his ongoing Michael Jackson manslaughter case because Judge Michael Pastor found Conrad Murray to be incompetent and to have total disregard for another person’s life.
The media outlets are suggesting that because a judge suspended Murray’s license and Murray’s license was not suspended directly by the California Medical Board, the Nevada Medical Board does not feel compelled to follow suit and issue a license suspension in your state.
We, the fans of Michael Jackson, implore the Nevada State Board to investigate the Preliminary Hearing's findings and Murray's professional competency or lack thereof.
Please recognize that Conrad Murray failed to do what was legally and morally required of him as a Doctor. His standard of care was shown to be negligent, and the cover-up after Michael expired showed Conrad Murray to lack integrity and sound moral conscience.
Murrays continued errors and lapses in judgment show a pattern of ineffectiveness, inadequacy, and lack of common sense, in his personal life and as a professional practicing physician.
Please do not allow unsuspecting citizens of Nevada to fall victim to Conrad Murray's sub-standard care. Ask yourself if you would want your mother or father, or anyone endeared to you to have their life in the hands of Dr Conrad Murray. Please take Murrays Medical License away so he cannot harm another patient. Help the residents of Nevada have a safer, more secure and reliable place to secure the health of their loved ones.