Stop Syracuse incinerator mercury pollution
Petition to Syracuse incinerator OCRRA and Onondaga County retailers of fluorescent bulbs to offer a credit (e.g., 50 cents) for dead fluorescent bulbs with purchase of replacement bulbs; Petition to National Grid Corp. to offer a 75% discount coupon for new screw-in-base household Compact Fluorescent Bulbs to promote use of CFBs, save energy and reduce household costs; National Grid should follow the example set in Britain of Powergen Corp. utility that has a successful program for discounts on CFBs. Petition to CVS, RiteAid, Eckerds drugstores and Radio Shack to offer a 5-cent credit for dead household batteries with purchase of replacements; Petition to retailers of TVs, PCs and electronics to include a prepaid coupon/certificate to promote the recycling of toxic metals in TVs and PCs, similar to the $3 credit for printer cartridges and 50 cent credit for glass Byrne milk jugs. The Petition is aimed at retailers. suppliers and OCRRA to cooperate on reducing toxic metals in the OCRRA incineraor and landfills.. The Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) already recycles toxics to Buffalo, NY, where OCRRA currently ships toxic-metal-laden TV sets, CRTs from computers and household batteries.