Apple, give us a Tablet Mac, please.
The goal of this petition is to demonstrate, that there are more than enough Mac users (or potential Mac users) that would just love to buy a tablet computer IF IT ONLY WOULD be a Mac! Today the only choice, if one were to buy a tablet computer, is to go and buy a Tablet PC running some Windows XP Edition. We feel that this is plain wrong, given that Apple has spawned the whole PDA industry with the ingenious Newton Message Pad product family and still owns all that incredible know-how and technology. Some of that know-how, like the Inkwell handwriting recognition technology, has already made it into Mac OS X. And boy does it work! With Inkwell being fully integrated into the operating system, handwriting input in basically any Mac application to date is already realized - not to speak of our traditional favorites such as Photoshop, Illustrator and the like, which have plenty of additional built-in features to make good use of a pen input device. It only takes one more little step, building a sleek slate style chassis in which to fit one of the smaller iBook or PowerBook motherboards and voila - we have our Tablet Mac. So Apple, Steve, anybody, give us a Tablet Mac, please. In order to improve our chances, let\'s also put some \"flesh on the bone\". So, if / when signing this petition, please also answer the attached questions. This way we can provide some hard \"market data\" that will help Apple (and us) even further down the road towards getting us a Tablet Mac.