Save the Tacos!!!!!
The Taco Truck (aka Raymond's Catering) has been faithfully serving food to the Science Hill Community since construction of the Physical Sciences Building began, approximately 9 years ago. The University has not been involved at all. I'm of the opinion that's the primary reason prices have remained reasonable and service has stayed amenable. Now UC wants Ray to sign an "Agreement for the provision of food and beverage service". Where he agrees to increase insurance, pay an access fee, consent to UC inspections, indemnify the university, etc. If the Taco Truck stays, then prices are sure to rise. If the Taco Truck goes, then we're screwed. "UCSC desires to maintain a lunch delivery service to reduce the number of automobile trips off-campus by employees during the lunch hour, and has determined there is a need for the service at the location specified." If the truck goes, then lunch will surely take an hour. If the truck goes, then will UCSC offset the cost of increased carbon emissions that will result from more trips off campus. Join me in signing this petition. And for goodness sakes "Save the Tacos!!!" By signing this petition you are voicing your displeasure at UCSC for getting involved in taco business, and for possibly causing tacocide, the killing of innocent Tacos by the departure of Raymonds Catering :: appended by Alice Ye The Taco Truck (aka Raymond's Catering) has been faithfully serving food to the Science Hill Community since construction of the Physical Sciences Building began, approximately 9 years ago. The University has not been involved at all. Now UC wants Ray to sign an "Agreement for the provision of food and beverage service" where he agrees to increase insurance, pay an access fee, consent to UC inspections, indemnify the university, etc. UCSC has stated that it "desires to maintain a lunch delivery service to reduce the number of automobile trips off-campus by employees during the lunch hour, and has determined there is a need for the service at the location specified." However, due to this new Agreement: If the Taco Truck stays, then prices are sure to rise. If the Taco Truck goes, then we're screwed. If the truck goes, then lunch will surely take over an hour. If the truck goes, then will UCSC offset the cost of increased carbon emissions that will result from more trips off campus Join me in signing this petition. And for goodness sakes "Save the Tacos!!!" By signing this petition you are voicing your displeasure at UCSC for getting involved in taco business, and for possibly causing tacocide, the killing of innocent Tacos by the departure of Raymonds Catering. --- The undersigned members of the Science Hill community would like to make clear to the administration that we respect its right to determine what activities are permitted on its campus. However, we urge that the University refrain from any involvement in Raymond's Catering service that seeks to profit from it or that forces the Truck to drastically raise prices or stop service altogether, as this is an unacceptable detriment to our working community. ---