Take proper actions to end the harassment in our workplace
Brixx in Peachtree City, GA is where we work. We love coming to work, we have the most amazing General Manager we could possibly ask for. We all share stories, we hang out outside of work, we cover each others shifts, constantly laugh and watch out for one another like sisters.
Our workplace is ran by a magnificent woman and held together by a group of awesome ladies! For the past year of being open us girls have been constantly harassed and attacked by Chad Gwinn, the kitchen manager at Brixx. He talks down to us, constantly harasses us, yells at us in front of customers, he even goes so far as to yell AT our customers and fight with them.
Here are some examples of the outrageous behavior we have experienced;
1. Chad Gwinn has mademultiplecomments about Tiffany Grimes, a young woman who works with us. A close friend and sister to AshleyGrimes.Tiffany is Autistic and 22 years old and Chad has said totwoemployees (one in the kitchen and one front of house) "Who would you rather have sex with? Tiffany or Ashley?" and "Tiffany is pretty hot from the neck down" This is NOT okay. We have not told Tiffany and do NOT want her to know this has been said. But we have informed Deb and Ashley has told her father.
2. Chad Gwinn has commented on facebook posts from some of the girls, photos and screenshots will be attached to this petition but we ask that he isnottold who is sharing this info. We do not want to be harassed further by him. In the facebook posts he has said "Sexy Lady" and "Hot!" Some of us are friends with him on facebook and some of us are not, but this is disgusting behavior from a MARRIED man with children, and who works with the church.
3. Chad Gwinn told a hostess Anna that he was going to get Debbie fired because she does nothing. He said he was going to contact the Fords and have her job. He said this to Anna who is 17 and said it on a busy lunch shift in front of customers who heard.
4. Chad Gwinn called our daytime bartender a "nymphomaniac" and said "you ain't nothing but a slut" and this was heard by servers and one of our kitchen staff.
The list goes on and on. Aside from the sexual harassment, Chad Gwinn feeds his family every single night with food from Brixx. He took 2 gallons of soup home for his family, he literally leaves every day with bags and bags of food and hardly ever rings anything up. Chad goes OFF on us if our guests ask for their pizza shaped like flatbread, he even goes off on the guests. Chad had a confrontation with 3 of our guests who were having lunch with their wives because they were jokingly asking for extra stamps. These guys are at Brixx every day spending lots of money, its all about them and Chad doesn't understand that. Some of us girls have requested not to work when Chad works because he makes us VERY uncomfortable and disrespects us in multiple ways. Some of us can take care of ourselves, and have let this slide for quite sometime now, but once he started sexually attacking Tiffany GRimes behind her back it infuriated us and we decided to put everything on the table and put an end to it.
We love our job, we love each other, and we are coming together as a sisterhood and a TEAM to protect ourselves and each other.
So please, sign if you have been harassed, talked down too, embarrassed publicly or made to feel uncomfortable by Chad Gwinn. ThisMUSTbe stopped.
If you wish to sign anonymously to protect yourselves feel free.