Take Back SIT

Take Back SIT Petition to the Administration We, the undersigned students, alumni, faculty, and staff of SIT, call on the Board of Trustees, and ask for: 1. A reinvestigation of the process used to determine restructuring of the MAT department, with an outline of changes to be made that is longer than three lines and includes full rationale (as well as mentioning of plans developed during the strategic planning process endured by faculty. 2. An investigation into the differing explanations of finances, done by an outside and neutral party. 3. A written document that ensures the existence of the MAT program (in some way connected with SIT) for a minimum of 5 years to come with all faculty positions retained. 4. A written promise to grow the program if enrollment and funds increase, with specifications to be decided upon. OR an honest declaration that spells out how administration believes that teaching language is not in line with the mission and vision of this organization. We ask for a response to these demands by Friday, March 21, 2008. We, the undersigned students, alumni, faculty, and staff of SIT, call on the president and the provost of SIT, and ask for: 1. A statement that shows understanding of the concerns that students have regarding inclusion in decision making processes on campus. 2. A public apology to faculty, students and staff that recognizes that these decisions were not based on democratic processes. 3. Access to the research that documents the administration's reasoning for the changes that they made. These documents should be made public. 4. Evidence that the administration and board considered financial models with scrutiny and diligence to ensure that the MAT program would not have to be cut drastically. We ask for a response to these demands by Friday, March 21, 2008.