Talladega county 911 vs Talladega county VFD's
You should sign this petition to because you may loose a loved one or even you could loose your life because the nearest first responder is not notified. There are ready volunteers ready to save the life of you or a loved one near you. Recently talladega county 911 has issued a "rule" that volunteer fire departments not be pages out to medical emergencies, with that being said you now may wait 10 15 or even 20 minutes before you get medical care. A first responder could be there in 5 minutes and help save a life until higher trained personnel arrives. Volunteers are there to help there community in every mean necessary. yes, some may not respond but it's only because they work full time jobs while on top of being a firefighter. It takes great person to put there life on the line to save a life but and even greater person who does it for free. The Talladega county 911 board is also in desperate need of a new director so by signing this you also say YOU want a new person in charge of the 911 board. Because this is not the only incident volunteers face they also have dispatch problems and "why" you may ask? Because Talladega county has a poor director and he does NOTHING, to try and prevent this from happening. So the next time you sit and wonder what is taking so long for EMS to arrive you can thank your very own Talladega county 911. This petition is to show everyone how many people stand against this decision. STAND UP TALLADEGA COUNTY AND HELP THEM HELP YOU!!