TeamChange UFCW247 Union Election 2021! Fair Election Petition

UFCW247 Union Election 2021!
- Mike Rose for President 2021
- Join The TeamChange 2021 Election Campaign at....
- https://www.facebook.com/ufcw.teamchange
- As you know in 2017,UFCW 247 TeamChange ran for the leadership of Our Union on a Members First Platform. We were only a few hundred votes away from being Elected in 2017.
Along the way we encountered road blocks that we felt were completely unfair and unconstitutional potentially costing us the Election.
Our complaints included;
• UFCW247 Full Time Union Representatives Campaigning for Team Hodge&Goodman in stores where UFCW 247 Members work.
• The Use Of Union resources on The UFCW 247 Incumbents Campaign.
• Harassment Of TeamChange Candidates based on a letter sent to TeamChange, from the office of the President of UFCW247 (signed by the Secretary/Treasurer of UFCW247).
This Letter threatened TeamChange Candidates, made false allegations against The TeamChange Campaign and its Candidates.
• Harassment and Intimidation Of TeamChange Candidates and Members trying to vote by UFCW247 Full Time Union Representatives at voting locations in Vancouver.
Firstly, we presented these complaints to the UFCW 247 Election Chairperson.
All six of our official complaints were rejected by The UFCW 247 Election Chairperson despite being supported by what we believe is overwhelming evidence.
Seeking a fair resolution and an independent investigation into the Election we also contacted UFCW Canada only to be sent back to The UFCW 247 Election Chairperson.
TeamChange next contacted The BC Federation of labour and received no response.
TeamChange then contacted The Canadian Labour Congress.
After a back and forth dialogue over a period of months, The CLC contacted UFCW Canada with respect to our complaints.
UFCW Canada’s Response to The CLC was that TeamChange should contact UFCW International USA.
TeamChange then contacted UFCW International USA with a request for a Union election investigation.
UFCW International USA Instructed TeamChange to Contact UFCW 247.
TeamChange responded to UFCW International USA that this would be redundant as the election complaints are against the UFCW 247 incumbents.
We received no further response from UFCW International USA.
Finally TeamChange Called CLC President Hassan Yussuff.
We were informed he was unavailable however our detailed message would be passed on.
We since have had no response from any representatives at the CLC.
UFCW247 TeamChange is demanding an independent Election process held to the highest standards of Canadian Democracy,something we don’t believe exists in the current system.
Our intention is not to overturn The 2017 UFCW 247 Election but to reform the Election process so a situation like this never happens again.
Please sign this petition demanding A fair Union election in 2021 and a written report from UFCW Canada and UFCW International USA regarding our valid yet dismissed
Complaints sent to the UFCW 247 Election Chairperson.
We Demand A Fair and Independent Election in the UFCW 247 Union Election 2021
In Solidarity
UFCW247 TeamChange