Tell Susan Wittrup to step down as FUSD board president!!!

My family has been deeply affected by the poor decisions made by FUSD. The recent series of news stories about Susan Wittrup opposing the FUSD Bond Measure demonstrates that the poor leadership is coming from the top down. This is disgraceful and shows she should not be the FUSD board president. Her opposition to the bond stems from her lack of education and/or caring about the correlation between facilities and grades. Facilities are highly correlated to student test scores. SHE ONLY CARES ABOUT HER REGION, even if it's at the expense of every other region in FUSD.
As board president her leadership sets the tone for the entire district. She is FAILING to act with professionalism and care for our kids. We demand that she resigns as FUSD board president immediately.
Cause for accountability to Susan Wittrup:
- Board meetings never start on time.
- She claims to be seeking community feedback. In reality she is only seeking community feedback that suits her personal agenda. She has ignored the advocacy efforts of over a thousand people in the FHS Aquatics situation.
- She has really botched the FUSD superintendent search. Claiming she wants a nationwide search, but does not cite specifics as to why an internal candidate does not meet her approval. She took it as far as to have her friends speak at board meetings, GV Wire coverage, and her latest 24 Questions were aimed at damaging Misty Her’s reputation.
- She has ignored the FHS aquatic avocation board speakers. When her boyfriend and friends speak, she acts as if it’s the total representation of the Fresno community.
- Every time she doesn’t like something she goes to her boyfriend, Darius Assemi's media company, GV Wire, to openly bully and put down FUSD staff.
- As board president she is responsible for setting the board agenda. This agenda should represent the issues important to the community. She has ignored multiple requests for the FHS Aquatics situation to be openly discussed and voted on.
- All 24 of her bond measure questions she should have known the answers to. She used those questions to openly bully FUSD staff.
The Fresno community can do better than the current FUSD school board president's leadership. Sign and share this petition if you are ready for an adult to lead FUSD. Only we can make 2025 a better year for our kids.
Parents in all FUSD regions care deeply about their children and community!!!! We demand that she resigns as FUSD board president immediately.