What we want from TNA Wrestling

Dear Dixie Carter and TNA Management, We feel, as fans of this product, that we should inform you as to how we feel about the direction the company is taking. We all love this company and want it to be a great success and show the world why it is the real wrestling alternative. However, in the last couple of years we have seen that the company has taken a more sports entertainment route and we feel that the heart of TNA is in its wrestling, which includes longer matches to showcase the great talent you have on your roster. We would also like to start seeing more homegrown talent used in the mid and main event cards; wrestlers like Petey Williams, A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Frankie Kazarian, Elix Skipper, Christopher Daniels, the Motor City Machine Guns, Sanjay Dutt, Jay Lethal,and LAX. And while we're at it, how about less of older wrestlers such as the Stiener Brothers, VKM and Team 3D. While we like good storylines and promos in the company, we do feel that they're currently taking up more time that could be used to showcase newer talent and great wrestling matches. We are not angry, we are just concerned that the current product is going away from the roots of what made tna so different and better than the other guys. We hope that what is stated above will be taken into consideration. Thank you, chris