Lower Movie Theater Prices Right Now!!
Tat Pai 0

Lower Movie Theater Prices Right Now!!

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tat Pai 0 Comments
39 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Almost every month, the ordinary person is hyped up about an upcoming movie staring a popular actor or actress, highlighting a true story, a remake of an older movie or great book. The big opening day arrives with millions of people flocking to the nearest theater to get the first look at the incredible film, they get a few chuckles out of it or shed a tear depending on the type of film, then tell their family and friends about it. At the end of the week, we hear on the news how well it did in the box office thanks to us. But what do we get from that Entertainment, thanks but how about a lower ticket price. 10 dollars for a movie you mean if I want to have a family outing to the movies, I'll be paying over $100! What do I get out of that A great action movie, thanks but I'm starting to believe that it's not even worth it. The regular people that dishing out the money to support these entertainers are not even appreciated. Can I get a complimentary movie ticket for coming out at least I'm coming to see the movie, so I'm going to tell someone if it was awesome or not. Why do I have to pay $10 to promote your movie It's not fair. I went to the movies the other day and a man was buying for his family and he was getting upset because he had to pay $7.50 matinée price by the way for his 3 year old son whom doesn't even know what the hell is going on in the movie. This petition is for the lowering of movie ticket prices. If we boycott movies on their opening day, they will eventually be forced to lower the prices. They keep increasing for no reason at all and it has to STOP! I can easily go outside and buy the movie from hustle man on the street and the bootleg quality is getting better and better by the way. But we want to support and see it on the big screen. Lets show the box office just how much power we have by signing this petition for lower ticket prices!

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