Tennessee Must Oppose Vaccine Tyranny

10 September Anno Domini 2021
Whereas, Joe Biden's mandate requiring businesses to force their employees to take the
COVID vaccine or else be tested weekly is a gross despotism, a violation of the United States
Constitution, an infringement of the rights and liberties of the people of the United States, and
the vile act of a would-be dictator; and
Whereas, this vile and unconstitutional tyranny is alien to the United States of America, and
completely contrary to their history and legal traditions and must not be tolerated for the tenth
part of a second; and
Whereas, the Governor and Legislators of this State have both the right and the sacred duty
to defend and protect the rights and liberties of the people of the State of Tennessee; and
Whereas, employers cannot mandate vaccinations without violating the medical rights of
employees, and there is no way to know the motivations of these employers, businesses, and
corporations, no way to know whether or not they are acting for themselves or at the behest of
the Federal government. If they act at the behest of the Federal government, to carry out the
will of the Federal government, for the benefit of the Federal government, they are behaving
as agencies of the Federal government and must be resisted as such. When businesses are
directed by the government, to carry out the policies of the government, for the benefit of the
government, that is called FASCISM, which is a totalitarian, wicked, evil, and alien political and
economic system, which we the people of the State of Tennessee do utterly repudiate and
Therefore, we undersigned citizens of the State of Tennessee, trusting in the ever-
kind protection and providence of Almighty God, and with Him our Vindicator, do hereby
petition our Governor to, as quickly as possible, call a special session of the Tennessee
General Assembly and to sign into law the bills passed by them; and
Therefore, we the undersigned citizens of the State of Tennessee, trusting in the ever-
kind protection and providence of Almighty God, and with Him our Vindicator, do hereby
petition our State Representatives and State Senators to, as quickly as possible, pass and
enact laws to the following effect:
1: To completely prohibit all vaccine mandates and vaccine passports issued by private
2: To completely nullify all Federal edicts, executive orders, regulations, laws, and court rulings
which mandate vaccinations or vaccine passports, as is our General Assembly’s right under the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God and as reserved to them and to us by the Ninth and
Tenth Amendments of the United States Constitution.
3: To pass a law protecting businesses from Joe Biden's fines, whether collected by OSHA, the
IRS, or any other Federal agency or agent. Businesses must be required by law to refuse to
pay the fines. Any attempt by Federal agencies or agents to arrest or extradite business-
owners, employers, or employees will be resisted by the State police, and if necessary, the
State Guard. Moreover, any and all attempts by Federal law enforcement officers, agencies,
judges, attorneys, etc., will be punished with arrest, a fine of $10,000,000, and deportation
from the State of Tennessee.
4: To pass a law fining banks and credit unions that take money out of businesses' or
individuals’ accounts in order to pay any and all unconstitutional Federal fines. This law should
fine the banks/credit unions in question the sum stolen from each business, and should
additionally require the banks/credit unions to repay to each business or individual the sum
stolen by the banks/credit unions and given to the Federal government. Similar protections
should be made for the funds of the State of Tennessee, lest the Federal government attempt
to seize the money in our treasury in retaliation against our resistance to its tyranny.