Petition for Fair Grading
As NYCCT nursing students, throughout our entire duration in the program, the faculty have constantly stressed the importance of the nclex to us and the fact that the program is meant to prepare us for it. This is why certain protocols are put into place: the fact that we can not go back during the test and the implementation of partial credit during early COVID and subsequent removal of said partial credit.
We have constantly been told that our tests are to be reflective of the nclex in order to prepare us. While that is true originally, it is no longer so. Majority of the nclex we will be taking is select all that applies and multiple choice, thus our tests should reflect that. However, our current tests, like the second test for NUR 2230, consists majority of matching, ordering, and pictures. Students have been getting questions beyond the traditional nclex questions with some being more a kin to the new nclex.
The new nclex will be implemented in spring 2023. We, the 4th semester students, are not going to be taking the new nclex: not this semester and, even if we have to repeat the semester, not the next. Not only that, for the new nclex, the rules state that student get partial credit. This is also not the case for our tests.
believe that if new nclex material is being tested then new nclex rules
should be obeyed. Therefore, us students are asking for a review of the
tests and for partial credit. We believe that the tests are no longer
reflective and preparing us for the nclex.