The Act, Against Naming Prejudice: Let Us Stop Calling Ourselves Insulting Names
This is not a conflictual Issue,
This is Common Sense!!!!
We the undersigned,
Hereby subscribe to the view that: 'black/nigga'; 'dark skin';
amongst other expressions, given their explicitly and figuratively
prejudicial meanings and connotations should not be used to refer to fellow human beings.
Reason: Arthur DeGaubineau, known as the Father of racism, or modern racial classification, in his book; An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races,(1853-1855 Vol 1-4),where he broke people down into different colors: Black, bronze, brown red, white, yellow, gave meaning to each, that has stuck till today. The other colors are evils in varying degrees - the darker the color, the more evil, until you get to black whichis evil per excellence - to which all negative attributes are ascribed.The fact that evil must be combated and destroyed everywhere justifies why all those who are described as blacks/niggas..., as well as others in varying degrees are being persecuted the world over. From Darfur [Sudan] to St. Petersburg [Russia], Jaipur [India], passing through Benghazi [Libya] and swaths of north Africa, not to mention just about every segregated neighborhoodin America. What's more, black suggests that those who are so called are devoid of knowledge, as their minds are dark an need to be shone the light, given that they cannot do it themselves. In this sense dark skin is also not acceptable since it is just a variation of black - which nobody really is!
Note: *Negro/niger/negroid/congoid...are mere Spanish, Greek, Latin...versions of the English word black, so to move from calling one nigga to calling them black is just pun to mean the same thing.**Because classifying people into colors is now known to be intrinsically prejudicial, the color-profiling has pretty much been dropped. hence you would not dare call an Asian a yellow person, or an Indian a red person. It is therefore staggering to see that it is the worst of all; black, that has subsisted till today. We therefore think it is time to do away with it too.
Action/Rectification: We hereupon invite Georgia State University and its President, as well as all other relevant institutions to join the cause and ensure that the the situation is corrected as outlined below. Also, since we believe that differentiation causes de facto segregation, discrimination, denied equal opportunity and ultimately injustice. We call for the abandonment, from common parlance of the terms; Asian American, European/Caucasian American, Mixed American or African America..., as all Americans are AMERICANS, period!
Typical form questionnaire as enunciated by the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB):
Ethnicity [ism]/tribalism ?????
Are you Hispanic/Latino? Yes or No?
Problem: Why oppose Hispanics/Latinos to everyone else? this creates an Us Against Them situation which is unacceptable.
Race [ism] ????
Asian African American/Black[?] White Other ...
Problem: Why color-profile some, when we all know the insults those colors mean? This accentuates stereotypes which in turn exacerbate stigmatization. A situation which is simply unbearable, nay, unsustainable!
Solution:What we want it to look like:
Asian, African, European, Mixed ...
Hence the correct expression would be AMERICAN, period! and if need be, these origins could be specified as we stipulated - in forms and descriptives only and not in common parlance, because they are so obvious to the eyes that if you need to peculiarize them, then there is necessarily ulterior motive attached to that.