Jennifer Richardson 0

The Resignation of Director Polonis

552 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jennifer Richardson 0 Comments
552 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Update: Thank you everyone who has signed this petition or shared with it with your Lake neighbors. It has been so encouraging to see such a groundswell of support in our efforts to remove Don Polonis from our Board of Directors. Each name and comment on this petition is making an incredible difference in our community.

Unfortunately, we have not yet succeeded in causing Director Polonis to resign. There is a member meeting with the Board of Directors on Tuesday, June 27th to discuss this topic specifically, but it is looking very likely that unless Polonis resigns voluntarily the owners at Lake Monticello will need to vote him out. The majority of household in the Lake will need to participate.

Please continue to share this petition and discuss this issue with your friends and neighbors. Keto showing up to Board meetings and speaking during public comment. We will make it known that we are not going anywhere until he is removed from the Board.

Thank you all. Thanks for making the Lake a great place to live.

Lake Monticello residents signed below hereby demand the immediate resignation of Director Donald Polonis.

His statements on social media have potentially violated the bylaws and code of conduct of the Lake Monticello Owners Association as well as those specifically of the LMOA Board of Directors. .

Following the behavior in question, he has further caused LMOA residents to feel unsafe and unwelcome, especially members of the LGBTQ+ community who were explicitly targeted. He did so by taking a concern which was addressed to the board about media behavior and disseminating it on a public forum. Further, he included the members' personally identifiable information.

The members, signed below, demand he resign, or any further trust in the Lake Monticello Board will be forfeit.

LMOA POLICY MANUAL CHAPTER THREE - Section 3.02 BOD-CONFLICT OF INTEREST Date: Jan. 16, 1984 Attachment: Rules and Reg. Amended: November 19, 2020 SUBJECT: Organization-Board of Directors-Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement CONTACT: General Manager I. POLICY The Directors of Lake Monticello Owners' Association will conduct themselves at all times in such a manner as to create respect for themselves and the Lake Monticello Owners' Association.

LMOA Policy Manual LMOA Articles of Incorporation As amended through June 24, 1995


LAKE MONTICELLO OWNERS' ASSOCIATION We hereby associate to form a non-stock corporation under the provisions of Chapter 2 of Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia, and to that end, set forth the following: 1. Name The name of the corporation is LAKE MONTICELLO OWNERS' ASSOCIATION 2. Purposes The Association is organized and operated not for profit, and no part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of the Association any private person (except to or for the Association). The Association shall be operated exclusively for the promotion of the common good and general welfare of the people of the Lake Monticello community. Subject to the foregoing provisions and in furtherance of its express purposes, the Association has the following specific objectives and no others: A. To provide an organizational framework for cohesive community efforts by the residents and property owners of Lake Monticello, a planned community in Fluvanna County, Virginia, who shall, in general, constitute the membership of the Association; to provide for the necessary and convenient operation, administration and government of Lake Monticello as a community; to provide for the common welfare and safety of the residents of Lake Monticello; and to provide for the attainment of cultural, esthetic, recreational and general civic advantages for the members.

Lake Monticello Owners’ Association BYLAWS PM 2.01: LMOA

BYLAWS 5 March 25, 2021 PURPOSE The Lake Monticello Owners' Association (herein called the "Association") was formed as a non-stock, non-profit corporation for the purpose of providing an organizational framework for cohesive community efforts by and for the benefit of the owners and residents of Lake Monticello, a residential subdivision of Fluvanna County, Virginia. Among the powers and responsibilities granted the Association under its Articles of Incorporation, the Association is to provide for the necessary operation, administration, and government of Lake Monticello as a community; and is also to provide machinery for the interpretation, application, administration and enforcement of certain restrictions and covenants. It is also to provide for the attainment of cultural, aesthetic, recreational and general civic advantages for its members. (p.5)

This petition shall be submitted to the Lake Monticello Board of Directors at their meeting on June 27th.

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