Right To View Child Sex Offenders Registry/Recharging The Offender Once The New Offence Has Been Discovered!
Anna Johansen British Columbia 0

Right To View Child Sex Offenders Registry/Recharging The Offender Once The New Offence Has Been Discovered!

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Anna Johansen British Columbia 0 Comments
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We The People Of Canada would like The Right to have access to the Childrens Sex Offenders registry in our areas If They are on it for longer than 3 years! We want the right to warn others and protect our Children appropriately With out Threats of Slander from The Offenders in Question! And to Prevent Child Sex Offenders from re-offending again!Also For the past victims of The Offender to recharge the Offender if he has once he has recent or confirmed charges with in four years of finding out his offence (as in Justice that has NOT been served yet like Dropped charges)!

When i was a child i was Molested,Raped , beaten and shaken violently till my tiny body crumbled to the ground on the side of the road by a man named Marvin Rudinsky countless times ( we did a lot of walking and being tiny my legs couldn't keep up ..but the shaking and rape was a constant thing when my mommy wasn't home she was hospitalized alot ..He was with my mom for a bout a year or so).. ( even though my mom didn't speak his name while she was alive..i STILL Remembered his name even though i was only 2 or 3)I ended up in DAWSON CREEK REGIONAL Hospital for a few weeks .. no charges where laid the reason was unknown to me cause i was very young to remember .I Didn't have a voice back then I Didn't get a chance as an adult to re Charge him . I Anna Johansen have a voice now and its time that i speak up and out ..Jion me We need to UNITE and stand together and MAKE the Child Sex Offender Registry Open to the public so we can allow and warn other parents in our area about possable threats in our community!Also Allow Past VICTIMS To REcharge their ABUSERS Once new charges has gone through if Justice wasn't served the first time!! I Anna am one of the lucky ones that have survived horrific abuse where other Children have not!Please im asking from the bottom of my inner childs heart..To Not ALLOW another child be Abused! Thank you! Back then my name was much differnent ,it was changed to protect me from my abuser..I am not afriad to share it now ..its... Marla Louise Omega LePretre ..please sign it today For Little Marla who didnt have a voice, if not For Marla sign for those little voices who cant be heard...sign for your self if you have been a victim of abuse that hasnet seen its time in court!

There Are Plenty of Unknown Pedophiles in our area Who Can and WILL re offend! Lets stop this! lets be vigilant and LET The names of these offenders be known!

Lets Call change on this so we the people of canada can protect our children!

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