The Ultimate Initiative: Recognition of Ultimate Frisbee as a Fairfax County High School Club Sport
We, the undersigned, request that Fairfax County Public Schools recognize ultimate frisbee as an official spring season club sport within its high schools.
We request the ability to secure practice fields at our respective high schools at least twice per week in our primary season and reasonable allocations throughout the year.
We request the ability to host ultimate frisbee games at our own respective schools during our primary season.
We request the ability to represent our own schools at club, travel, and season games and at USA Ultimate (USAU) tournaments or other legitimate Ultimate third-party sanctioned games.
We understand that there may be budgetary constraints that the county and schools can not provide for us that may include and are not limited to transportation, equipment, or insurance costs.
Thus, we propose that ultimate frisbee be considered as an interscholastic club sport that is
financially self-supporting until there are monetary funds to support us or enough public opinion to be considered otherwise.
If approved:
We will adhere to all standard Fairfax County sport participation requirements.
We will provide our own transportation to games and will secure our own fields for games if all High School fields are at capacity.
We will provide our own insurance and list Fairfax County Public Schools as an additional insured.