The USA Needs 'Our Lady of America'
Maryjacqueline Fox 0

The USA Needs 'Our Lady of America'

47 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Our Lady of America & the Petition:

Who are you, Our Lady of America?
Sr. Mary Ephrem, a nun from Ohio, received apparitions from Our Lady of America in the 1950’s.

Main points of the message:
-The fundamental request: She asks that the U.S. Bishops have a solemn procession of Our Lady of America’s statue (located a short distance from the National Basilica in Washington D.C.) into the National Basilica. If the Bishops do this, then the National Basilica will become a place of more miraculous healings than both Fatima and Lourdes. (Immaculate Heart Messenger, 2007, p.10). These healings will be more of the soul than of the body. (Our Lady of America, 2008, p.4)
-Mary describes how the United States will lead the world into the peace of Christ, and unless this request is done, then suffering like never before will come. (Immaculate Heart Messenger, 2007, p. 10).

‘Our Lady of America’ Church Status:
The former Archbishop Leibold of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati was not only Sr. Mary Ephrem’s (the visionary) spiritual director, but also supported the messages of Our Lady of America by giving it an imprimatur (an official support from the Catholic church to print the messages) and supporting the making of medals of Our Lady of America (Immaculate Heart Messenger, 2007, p. 10).

Furthermore, Cardinal Burke, a canon lawyer and previously the Apostolic Signatura, sent a letter in 2007 to the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) informing them that Our Lady of America’s messages, and corresponding devotion, are already canonically approved due to the support of the former Archbishop Leibold. Cardinal Burke (2007) stated in his letter:
What can be concluded canonically is that the devotion was both approved by Archbishop Leibold and, what is more, was actively promoted by him. In addition, over the years, other Bishops have approved the devotion and have participated in public devotion to the Mother of God, under the title of Our Lady of America. (p. 3).

Why is this so important?
Look around the world today. There is great suffering due to wars, violence, degeneration, impurities… the list could go on and on. The world needs a new purity, the purity of Christ, to come upon it.

What can you do?
Sign this petition below: In response to Cardinal Burke’s letter urging the USCCB to recognize the canonical approval of these messages, the USCCB said that it is up to the current Archbishop of Cincinnati to decide if the apparitions are truly valid by holding a new commission, and, if so, then to have the solemn procession occur.
Thus, you can sign this petition to the current Archbishop Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to ask him to consider holding a new commission on Our Lady of America’s messages and approving the solemn procession of Our Lady of America’s statue into the National Basilica in Washington D.C.

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