The Whole House of Israel

"25 At that time, saith YHWH, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people." Jeremiah 30
This prophetic promise by the Most High of Israel clearly states that all the families of Jacob/Israel are partakers in His blessings to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He further proclaims in the 3rd verse of the same chapter, that He Himself would bring back His people 'Israel' and 'Judah' to the land He promised to their forefathers.
By this we can surely further conclude that the Nation of Israel would not be a "Jewish" state, but rather an Israelite one, for the kingdom of Judah is to be brought back into a reunited Nation of Israel. The Judeans are the first to be returned, but the House of Israel has also been redemed and resettled in the land of the promise. Now, it is time for the land of Israel to be acknowledged as the inheritance of the Whole House of Israel!
"The 1955 Israeli government year-book said, "It is called the 'State of Israel' because it is part of the Land of Israel and not merely a Jewish State. The creation of the new State by no means derogates from the scope of historical Eretz Israel"."
We are seeking to have this prophetic truth written into the laws of the current State of Israel, and are hereby asking all who support this position to add your name to this petition. For more information, email us at ascension201149@yahoo.com. and visit our website, http://www.anewdayhebrewisralitesinisrael.com/, or Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ascension201149/?ref=aymt....
Also view these videos - Return Ye Sons of Jacob, pts. 1&2, by Kenyon Wilkerson, on Youtube