The People's Stimulus Package
400,000 homes in foreclosure. 600,000 jobs lost. Over 1 million bankruptcies filed just last year. 800,000 homeless people in what's supposed to be the greatest country in the world. And we're giving 700 BILLION DOLLARS to big corporations who mismanaged their money, misappropriated funds, who's top management gave themselves raises and bonuses eventhough their companies were in a financial downturn. THIS IS ABSURD! This "solution" doesn't solve anything. If the people don't have money, the people can't buy the goods and services of the companies the government is bailing out and therefore they will still fail and the economy will still be headed toward a depression. If you believe the government should bailout each tax paying household with a tax free stimulus check in the amount of ONE MILLION DOLLARS versus billions to big corporations then sign this petition and join me in lobbying Congress and the new administration for a worthwhile stimulus package that will actually do what its intended to do (unlike the $300 joke from the outgoing administration). If America will take care of it's citizens, the citizens will take care of America. Simple as that. If the government chooses not to make us all millionaires, atleast it will send a message to Capitol Hill that the American people should be taken care of first and the upcoming stimulus package needs to be an amount that will actually make a difference.