More African American Television Hosts & Anchors
We Want More African American Hosts and News Anchors! This petition is started by Warren Ballentine, America's #1 Truthfighter and Truthfighters all over the world. The Truthfighters are requesting that CNN, MSNBC and FOX add more African American Hosts and News Anchors to their daily line up. We are also requesting that more stories are aired on issues effecting the African American Community as well as inspirational stories honoring African American History Makers and young new positive roll models such as community leaders, small business owners and non profit leaders making our communities better with their daily sacrifice. We will stop watching the networks that do not make an effort to expand their African American Programming, hosts and news anchors. The African American Community has a buying power exceeding 800 billion dollars a year and that makes us a much needed consumer for your advertisers and your ratings.