This DUDS for YOU!
Dear Anheuser-Busch,
This DUDS for you! Perhaps you didn't realize the extent to which your Super Bowl commercial would strike a nerve with rural residents across the country and around the world?
You see, unfortunately, THOUSANDS of rural communities find themselves battling the improper siting of Industrial Wind Turbines.
Unlike the vast, wide open prairies featured in your ad, wind developers now attempt to irresponsibly site their turbines too close to the homes of rural people -- ignoring even the most basic of safety measures!
Unfortunately, the popular narrative echoes how polarized this issue has become. If you advocate for responsible siting of Industrial Turbines, you must be a climate denier or must be working for the Coal or Oil industry -- when neither is true.
Please accept these signatures, from rural Americans, Canadians, and people all over the world, who are simply fighting to protect themselves from incompatible land use and unsafe siting. Please educate yourself on the REALITY of Industrial Wind!
We raise a cold beer NO longer from Anheuser-Busch, to say, "This DUDS for you!"