Tim Wong, Refriend Sean Burris!
In late May of 2011, Sean T. Burris' friend Tim Wong unfriended him on Facebook without notice and without valid motive. Though it was originally thought to be only a temporary suspension of online camaraderie, after several months of Wong's continued refusal to add Burris as one of his Facebook friends it became clear that he was purposely straining not only their electronic friendship but that which existed in the real world as well. With so much in common, including but not limited to academic ambition, leadership ability, and personal hygiene, many are surprised to learn that Wong and Burris are not friends on Facebook. When interviewed on the subject, Burris said, "The upcoming two-year anniversary of the unfriending makes the entire situation all the more difficult to bear." Both Burris and Wong will graduate from Bear River High School on June 7th, so there are less than three weeks in which to mend their social media friendship before they go their separate ways in life. Please sign this petition and convince Tim Wong to make the right choice and take Sean T. Burris back as one of his Facebook friends before it is too late.