Timber You Can Trust - Tell the UK Gov to keep the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)
“We urge the Government to maintain its commitment to the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and ensure that it is properly enforced. We believe the best way to reduce the threat of illegal logging is to make sure we only buy timber from companies with a robust due diligence system in place, such as the TTF’s Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP).”
"Timber You Can Trust" is a Campaign launched by the UK Timber Trade Federation (TTF) to promote the use of responsibly sourced timber.
The Timber Industry has always had a great sense of responsibility to the forests which grow our materials. So much, so that the TTF introduced its own Responsible Purchasing Policy in 2008 to ensure our members only buy timber from legal and sustainable sources.
We also lobbied with industry and NGO partners across Europe to introduce the EU Timber Regulation in 2013 to help prevent any illegally logged material entering our supply chains.
It’s because of actions like this that the UK has one of the strongest records in the world in responsible timber sourcing.
As an industry, we’re concerned that these obligations and responsibilities are being forgotten, particularly that our national commitment to the EUTR could be dropped during the Brexit process.
We want to remind everyone of their obligations. Firstly, we have produced this simple online module for Sustainable Timber Procurement. This is free to access by anyone and provides an overview of some of the most effective ways companies can ensure that they only procure sustainable and responsible timber for their projects.
Secondly, to support the campaign, we would like you to add your name to our petition below and to tweet your support along with a photo of yourself and our placard using the hashtag #TrustedTimber.
We will present this petition to Government in the Autumn.