Petition for TitanFall to be on the PS4
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Petition for TitanFall to be on the PS4

241 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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241 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello, just like many gamers, I'm not pleased with the xboxone. Also like many gamers, I want call of duty to be dethroned. TitanFall is a game with the potentional to dethone the franchise, however, TitanFall is ONLY on the PC, Xbox360, and XboxOne. Because many people are upset with the XboxOne, TitanFall's potential for sales and players are cut short. Just like many people, I DO NOT want to BUY A 500 DOLLAR DRM Box to experience one game on a next-gen machine. Many other EA, such as BF4, will be on the PS4. By all means, I'm not upset with EA, however I, like many other games, just want to experience their game. Please, EA and RespawnEnterainment, consider making a port for the PS4. In the end, the port can do nothing but help with potential sales and help you dethrone your rival franchise, Call of Duty. -Fans and Gamers

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