Save Our Neighborhood.
This is a "David and Goliath" situation. We, the homeowners in the area are the "David", and the "Goliath" owns the winery in the middle of it all. Here is the problem:
Mission Hill Winery (West Kelowna BC Canada) is in the middle of a single family residential area. They own land that is zoned for further housing. Instead they have applied to our council for rezoning, so that they may build a 120 room hotel, guest cottages, conference center, brewery and more.
We live on the side of a mountain, actually an extinct volcano! Mission Hill has a grade of 10% and other local roads have equally steep sections. If this is approved we will have huge volumes of traffic including up to 10 years of construction traffic followed by much more commercial traffic. We will be subject to diesel emissions (cancer risk) traffic dangers and noise including Jake Brakes. already in the winter months 18 wheelers frequently get stuck on the road and have to chain up - right outside people's homes.
An alternative access should be possible avoiding the residential streets, but is not being pursued.
Do you think this is wrong, that the rules should not change in the middle of the game and that people should be able to rely on the zoning that was in place when people bought their home? We believe that no one would choose to buy a home in a ten year construction zone, followed by vast amounts of commercial and visitor traffic. There are many of us that are desperately concerned for the future of our neighborhood. We are hoping to spread the word far and wide, so if you can sign this petition and pass it on, we will appreciate it more than you will ever know.
For more information please click here to visit our website.