To be pardoned of my past felonies
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Adam B. signed
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- This is a petition explaining that CARLA AMORIM-BEST has changed her life and deserves to be recognized for the goodness she has done in other people's lives that has outweighed her bad record. Signing this petition may help her in the judgement of a pardon from Georgia Pardon and Parols that she needs to become a legal citizen and also so that she can legally plan events and grow a support group by gaining the attention of others and recognize the importance of coming together and guiding the foster kids that age out of their group homes that never were nurtured or raised with honest love to know how to become a independent adult. The rsat program and classes i took along with the great support team i have at home, has taught me how life can offer you so much more if you are following what God has planned for you and if we give back we receive the happiness it takes to stop, think and be grateful for all we have and keep spreading the blessing God has for us makes it that much easier to findout who we are ment to become and being a rolemodel to my kids and other felons that think there is nothing they can do after being convicted of a felony or there is no way out of criminal activities after receiving a bad record, it motivates me more to be able to go through with asking for a pardon and these signatures from people who know I deserve it.. i hope i can motivate other people to change and help others who need change and giving back to the community and being a positive person for the kids before its too late in hopes that it will reduce crime aswell. I did my time and had to attend many classes and meetings and also pay out lots of money in fines that I could have used being productive instead of destructive so this will mean so much to me and I would appreciate my pardon also because it would let me start filing my paperwork reassuring I'll always be here with my kids and family and can focus on our futures. I was born in Brazil and came here when I was only 18 months with my family on a legal visa that has now expired. I'm 31 years old and am Proud to be an American where I have been all my life. I do not know any place else. I am married and have two beautiful girls. My whole family is here and I have been off of probation for over 5 years now and now have the chance to ask for my pardon and to be able to show that I can do this and give other people like me the confidence and motivation to do something productive. I have move on from my negative friends and refuse to let the past be stronger than my future. I believe in change and how powerful the Lord is and when, you ask with a good heart you will receive. I appreciate all the comments about me and the people who sign this petition will be making a great decision to all of our futures. No donations needed, only your honest heart in signing my petition. Thank you for your time. CARLA AMORIM-BEST.