To Oppose HR 1 For the People Act of 2021
We collectively ask, by signing this petition, that you oppose H.R. 1. On the surface, it appears to legislate greater rights for voters. In reality, it only expands the very same things that caused concern during the 2020 election. Our voter registration and elections are something that should have the upmost security and integrity. Expanding electronic registration, and updating of voter records lacks the integrity and security that in person registration and updates provide. Automatic voter registration removes the individual from the process, and thereby removes individual choice as to when or whether they become registered to vote. It is a right of each legal citizen to vote, but having a right does not mean one wants to participate in the process. The question should still be posed, just as it is now at the local Department of Motor Vehicles, "do you wish to register to vote". If one claims they do not have sufficient access to vote with the current easy access, what is preventing them from registering? All legal citizens will visit their local Department of Motor Vehicle for a government issued id, drivers license, vehicle licensing, etc. where they will be asked to register. There are multiple means available right now to register to vote. Online access is not needed, and creates the potential for fraud and security risks through hacking. Same day registration also starts a dangerous trend. How is there time to verify anything when the process is rushed so quickly? Everyone who is a legal citizen should have the right to vote, but every citizen should be able to feel that they are voting alongside people who are legal citizens and legal residents, and meeting other requirements to vote in their precincts. Allowing minors under the age of 18 the ability to vote if they register is essentially giving children the ability to vote. They are considered as dependents in their parents home, still attending secondary school and learning about our culture, history, and topics covered in a Civics course. Many of them will not have even taken the required Civics course teaching them about our Democratic Republic, our Constitution, and the foundations of our government. There are many more dangerous aspects of the legislation. We ask that you reject this legislation and encourage your colleagues to also reject it. Thank you!