Tony Stark/Ironman should be MIT's commencement speaker of 2017

To all MIT students, engineers, robot lovers, professors who love marvel,
A lot of us truly believe Tony Stark to be the coolest <MIT> engineer & entrepreneur EVER. He is one of our heroes, our role model, one of our many reasons of being an engineer, roboticist, maker, builder, hacker. He is the coolest MIT grad ever.
Of course, we can't really have Tony Stark straight out of Marvel books, lot of us would owe the world to MIT if Robert Downey Jr comes in Ironman's Avatar (hopefully in Ironman's Armor, and we can help add cool features to it) and delivers the graduation speech for 2017.
I think some may argue we need a *real* person for commencement speaker. Most commencement speakers don't really talk about the real stuff anyway- it's a prepared speech. Why not just do something non traditional then - bring someone who inspires us, fiction or non fiction, doesn't matter. Think out of the box, and figure a way out how to bring the guy we admire so much come, and deliver the big speech on our big day.
Lets make this happen! Dream commencement 2017...anybody?
(PS: Was that picture from 2.12 class?)