Bring a track to Toronto and remove street racing issues!
Rui Nunes 0

Bring a track to Toronto and remove street racing issues!

1259 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rui Nunes 0 Comments
1259 people have signed. Add your voice!
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In the recent years, we have all noticed that the government has been trying very hard to remove street racing from the Greater Toronto Area streets. However they\'re going about it the wrong way. I myself am not a racer, however I\'m friends with a lot of car enthusiasts. Since I\'m not a racer, I have a better view on what the best possible solution is for this so called \"issue\". By creating a certified race track in Toronto, it allows car enthusiasts to have an area to attend, instead of the Toronto streets or coffee shops. This is a win win situation, and it\'s not difficult to accomplish. Sign the petition so that we could let everyone know, that car enthusiasts just want a place to call home, an area where they could test their cars instead of on the streets. A question to ask is: Why doesn\'t the most populated city in Canada have a track It can\'t be from loss of money, because it would be a gold mine.


This is not sponsored by anyone, this is an individual petition, hoping that everyone that feels the same way will share their helping hand.


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