Transform Parkdale HS Athletic Surface

Attention all concerned parents, faculty, students and community members. The Parkdale Panthers Parent Teacher Student Association is calling for the replacement of the playing surface of our outdoor athletic stadium. We are very grateful for the number of athletic teams we have at the Parkdale. These teams provide our over 2400 students with afterschool activities and additional contexts for character and leadership development.
Our athletic field is the home game and practice location for eight (8) teams (Varsity & Junior Varsity Football, boys & girls lacrosse, Varsity boys & girls soccer and Junior Varsity boys & girls soccer). Yet neglect and/or deferred investment has jeopardized our ability to provide a safe and aesthetically acceptable environment for our students to play. Opposing teams have requested venue changes for games we host with safety concerns for of their players. When such arrangements can be accommodated we lose a revenue stream to invest at Parkdale. This is not an issue we can just sit back and allow to unfold as is... The need for change is imminent!
Therefore, with the understanding that there is a process involved, we are urging the governor, the Honorable Larry Hogan to release funds to equip the Prince George's County Public Schools to invest in infrastructure improvements (turf fields) to address issues like those outlined in this petition. Additionally, we urge our Prince George's County Public School's Board of Education to revisit the current phasing order to ensure that the schools ahead of us in the phasing process for turf fields are truly in worse shape than Parkdale. Lastly, we request a revisiting of how the athletic fund is distributed from Central Office. The goal of this revisiting is to establish an equitable distribution of funds so that needy schools are addressed in a more immediate fashion.
We truly appreciate your attention to these matters.
The Parkdale Panthers PTSA and concerned citizen of the Greater Riverdale Area!