Trinity's Plastic Reduction Petition
67 percent of all litter on the streets is from food and beverage packing. The oceans contain more than 10 million tons of plastic. Plastic cannot be reworked and reused, but has to be remade using more and more resources. But it’s cheap and convenient, right? But what happens to plastic when it’s thrown out? Most recycling plants can’t accept single-use utensils because they take too much time to break down and aren’t cost effective. The plastic is created and breaks down using fossil fuels, a non reusable source.
100 million pieces of plastic utensils are used by Americans EVERY DAY, and Trinity is part of the problem. When lunches are brought in, each student is given a single-use fork, spoon, and/ or knife. If we can reduce our plastic as a community, we could help reduce the millions of pieces of plastic waste each year.
AmazonBasics’ Compostable Cutlery Set comes as a 480 piece set at just 0.05 cents each.
GreenPaper Products has a set of 1200 pieces including forks, knives, and spoons at only 0.07 cents each.
Dozens of websites provide inexpensive and eco-friendly options to replace our plastic waste.
If we continue to ignore the effects of climate change and how we can help, global warming will be irreversible in just 11 years.
Sign the petition to bring the problem of Trinity’s single-use plastic to our administrators.